For individual account, the Company will cease to receive the application form for use of service from 1 August 2020 onwards. You can apply for use of service by yourself via www.krungsriassetonline.com as per the following steps:
1. Press the “Apply for Use of Service” button
2. Enter the information for registration (unitholder number, ID number, date of birth)
3. The system will send an OTP to the mobile phone number provided by the customer upon account application. If the customer has not provided the mobile phone number, an email will be sent instead. If neither mobile phone number nor email address is available, no further action can be taken.
4. Confirm with the OTP / email
5. Specify the mobile phone number to be connected in the future (either the existing number or a new number but not be identical with that of other users)
6. Confirm with the OTP (in case that the number is different from the existing number in the system).
7. Set the username and password
8. Specify the unitholder numbers you wish to connect with this username
9. Start using the service
For juristic person account and joint account, sending of application form for use of service is still required.
Please contact Krungsri Asset Management for further information: