Extension of the Period for Closure to Subscription and/or Switching-In Services for Four Long-term Equity Funds (LTFs)

1 June 2020
Krungsri Asset Management Company Limited (“the Company”) has ceased to accept the subscription orders of and/or the switching-in orders from other non-LTF funds to the following 4 LTFs under management during 2 January – 30 June 2020:
1. Krungsri SET50 LTF (KFLTF50)
2. Krungsri Dividend Stock LTF (KFLTFDIV)
3. Krungsri Equity LTF (KFLTFEQ)
4. Krungsri Dividend Stock LTF 70/30 (KFLTFD70)
The Company is in the process of developing the work systems in relation to the classification of mutual fund units of such Funds into 1) the existing class of mutual fund units that are eligible for tax privileges, and 2) the new class of mutual fund units that are not eligible tax privileges; as well as the process of system testing and the preparation for the launch of the mutual fund units of such Funds.
Therefore, it is necessary for the Company to extend the closure to subscription and/or switching-in services for such Funds to another period from 1 July 2020 to 30 September 2020
Nevertheless, the unitholders can still undertake the following transactions as normal:
(1) Redemption of investment units of the LTFs.
(2) Switching of investment units between LTFs under management of the Company.
(3) Switching of investment units between the LTF of the Company and that of other asset management company.
In this regard, if you wish to invest uninterruptedly, you can select for investment in other non-LTF funds under management of the Company that have similar investment policy/strategy and are currently available for subscription.
Should you have any queries, please contact your account manager or our Client Service at 02-657-5757 press 2 or via email at krungsriasset.clientservice@krungsri.com.
Please be informed accordingly.
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