Cancellation of Fund Establishment After the Initial Public Offering Period of Krungsri Foreign Fixed Income 1Y4 Fund - Not for Retail Investors (AI)

25 February 2020
Reference is made to the initial public offering (IPO) of the mutual fund units of Krungsri Foreign Fixed Income 1Y4 Fund - Not for Retail Investors (AI) (Fund code : KFFAI1Y4) (“the Fund”) by Krungsri Asset Management Company Limited (“the Management Company”) during 18 - 24 February 2020.
The Management Company would like to notify that the establishment of the Fund will be cancelled after the IPO period, effective from 25 February 2020 onwards, as it deems that the funds raised during the IPO period are insufficient for proper investment in various financial instruments.
In this respect, the Management Company shall return the subscription proceeds as well as any interests arising therefrom to the subscribers in proportion to the amount of the subscription proceeds within 7 days from the date following the closing date of the IPO which is in accordance with the provision as stipulated in the Mutual Fund Management Project.
Please be informed accordingly.
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