Change of payment period of redemption of KF-HCHINAD, KFCHINARMF, KF-INDIA and KFINDIARMF

30 April 2019
Krungsri Asset Management Co., Ltd. would like to inform you the change of payment period of redemption of Krungsri Greater China Equity Hedged Dividend Fund (KF-HCHINAD), Krungsri Greater China Equity Hedged FX RMF (KFCHINARMF), Krungsri India Equity Fund (KF-INDIA) and Krungsri India Equity RMF (KFINDIARMF) as follows:

  Old New
Payment period of redemption
5 working days after the execution day excluding relevant Master Fund’s holidays
  (T + 5)
4 working days after the execution day excluding relevant Master Fund’s holidays
 (T + 4)

The above change will be effective from 15 May 2019 onwards.
Please be informed accordingly.

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