Amendments to 5 Fund Projects under Management

7 November 2017
Krungsri Asset Management Company Limited (the “Company”) would like to inform you of the amendments to 5 fund projects under our management.  The amendments relate to the monitoring where the master fund invests in assets other than those in which Thai funds are permitted to invest.  The amendments are in accordance with the rules prescribed by The Securities and Exchange Commission (the SEC) and to ensure that it is clear and correct in practice. The list of funds subject to the amendments and related details are as follows:

Old New
Funds subject to the amendments: 
1. Krungsri Global Smart Income Fund (KF-SINCOME)
2. Krungsri Global Collective Smart Income Fund (KF-CSINCOM)
3. Krungsri Global Smart Income RMF (KFSINCRMF)
Clause 3.11 Details related to Investment Policy:
Sub-clause X.
In case the master fund invests in assets other than those in which Thai funds are permitted to invest including loan participations and loan assignments at the ratio exceeding 20% of the net asset value of the master fund, the Management Company shall take the following actions ……….
While the Management Company is processing the change/transfer/dissolution of the above fund, the fund will be exempted from complying with the requirement on investing or retaining foreign fund units in a single fund at no less than 80% of the net assets value in average in each account period and the requirement on investing in foreign funds at any point in time at no less than 80% of the net assets value, during the selection and/or preparation for investment and/or dissolution of the fund. 
Sub-clause X.
In case the master fund invests in assets other than those in which Thai funds are permitted to invest including loan participations and/or loan assignments and/or credit default swaps (CDS) as a protection seller at the ratio exceeding 20% of the net asset value of the master fund, the Management Company shall take the following actions ………
The following statement is deleted:
While the Management Company is processing the change/transfer/dissolution of the above fund, the fund will be exempted from complying with the requirement on investing or retaining foreign fund units in a single fund at no less than 80% of the net assets value in average in each account period and the requirement on investing in foreign funds at any point in time at no less than 80% of the net assets value, during the selection and/or preparation for investment and/or dissolution of the fund.
Old New
Funds subject to the amendments: 
1. Krungsri Total Return Bond Fund (KF-TRB) 
2. Krungsri Emerging Local Investment Fund (KF-ELI)
Clause 3.11 Details relating to Investment Policy:
- Not specified - Sub-clause X. is added with the following statement:
In case the master fund invests in assets other than those in which Thai funds are permitted to invest including loan participations and/or loan assignments and/or credit default swaps (CDS) as a protection seller at the ratio exceeding 20% of the net asset values of the master fund, the Management Company shall take the following actions:
(1) The Management Company will consider and select a new foreign fund to replace the original fund.  The investment policy of such new foreign fund must be consistent with the investment objective and/or the investment policy of Krungsri ............ and meets the criteria prescribed by The Securities and Exchange Commission.  The Management Company shall complete the selection without delay and notify The Securities and Exchange Commission as well as unitholders upon completion.
(2) In case the Management Company is unable to find a new foreign fund to replace the original fund, the Management Company reserves the right to dissolve the fund projects and sell assets. The proceeds after all expenses in relation to the fund shall then be paid to the unitholders according to the ratio of the number of units held to the total number of outstanding units of the fund.

The above change shall take effect on 15 November 2017 onwards. 
Should you have any queries or require any further information, please contact your account manager or our Client Service at 02-657-5757 press 2 or via email at
Please be informed accordingly.

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