Change in Benchmark of Funds under Management

18 October 2016

Krungsri Asset Management Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) would like to notify you of the changes in benchmark of funds under management to ensure that they are current and consistent with the change in the master fund as described below.


Old Changed to
Krungsri Total Return Bond Fund (KF-TRB)
Barclays Capital US Aggregate Index………. Bloomberg Barclays US Aggregate Index……….
Krungsri Global Smart Income Fund (KF-SINCOME) and Krungsri Global Collective Smart Income Fund  (KF-CSINCOM)
Barclays US Aggregate Total Return Value Unhedged USD………. Bloomberg Barclays US Aggregate Total Return Value Unhedged USD……….
Krungsri Global Income Fund (KF-INCOME)  and Krungsri Collective Global Income Fund (KF-CINCOME)
Average of 40% Barclays US High Yield 2% Issuer Cap Index (Total Return Gross) Hedged to USD / 35% MSCI World Index (Total Return Net) Hedged to USD / 25% Barclays Global Credit Index (Total Return Gross) Hedged to USD………. Average of 40% Bloomberg Barclays US High Yield 2% Issuer Cap Index (Total Return Gross) Hedged to USD / 35% MSCI World Index (Total Return Net) Hedged to USD / 25% Bloomberg Barclays Global Credit Index (Total Return Gross) Hedged to USD……….

The above changes to the benchmark reflect the change in their names only.  Such changes will not affect the method of calculation of the value of the benchmarks.
The above changes shall take effect from 31 October 2016 onwards.
Should you have any queries or require any further information, please contact your account manager or our customer relation staff at 02-657-5757 press 2 or via email at
Please be informed accordingly.

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Investing in Krungsri Asset Funds

We have offered a variety of funds for investors with different risk profiles.