Amendment to the Fund Projects of 3 Funds under Management

17 October 2016
Krungsri Asset Management Co., Ltd. ("management company") would like to notify unitholders regarding amendments to the fund projects of the Krungsri Flexible Fund (KFFLEX), Krungsri China Equity Fund (KF-CHINA) and   Krungsri Total Return Bond Fund (KF-TRB). These proposed amendments have already been approved by the Office of the S.E.C. whereby these units may now also be offered together with life assurance policies (“unit linked”).  This increases the investment services offered to unitholders.  The essentials of the amendments are as follows:
Subscriptions, redemptions and switching of unit trusts for unitholders who acquires a unit linked.
(1) An investor who intends to acquire a unit linked may subscribe to these funds in conjunction with their life assurance policy.  Simply contact your life assurance company or an agent of the life assurance company.  Acquiring a unit linked may be subjected to specific terms and conditions that differ from a straightforward subscription of unit trusts on its own.
(2) The life assurance company is obligated to deliver the redemption amount to customers within 5 business days following the date of the calculation of net asset value, net asset value per share, and unit price.  Proceeds from redemptions will be paid according to the methods prescribed by the life assurance company as described in the unit linked.
(3) In addition to normal redemptions, the life assurance company may set an automatic redemption feature by instructing that redemptions take place every month to obtain funds to cover various costs such as life assurance coverage, operating expenses, and administration of the life assurance plan.  These costs may be lower than estimates stated in the project.
(4) Potential customers who intend to purchase unit linked are advised to review the details of the unit linked plan including all sales documents related to the plan before subscribing.
The aforementioned amendments to the funds will be effective 17 October 2016 onwards.
If you have further inquiries, please contact your account manager or our Customer Relations officer at 02-657-5757 Press 2, or via E-mail at
The above is provided for your acknowledgement.
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Investing in Krungsri Asset Funds

We have offered a variety of funds for investors with different risk profiles.