Amendment to the Funds under Management

26 September 2016
Krungsri Asset Management Company Limited (the “Management Company”) would like to notify all unitholders of amendment to the funds under our management as follows.
1. Amendment to the Funds by mean of fast track where the amendment has been warranted by the trustee of the funds and approved by Office of the SEC on the following matters with the names of the funds to be amended as appeared in the attached Table (totaling 72 funds):

1.1 Amendment in relation to extension of time for tax benefits of long term equity funds (“LTF”) and changing the term “Tax Guide” to “Investment Guide” of LTF and retirement mutual fund (“RMF”) for consistency with the circulation of Office of the SEC No. KorLorTor.KorNor.(Wor) 16/2559 re:  Enhancing Understanding regarding Extension of Time of Long Term Equity Funds, and the notification of Office of the SEC No. SorThor. 25/2559 re: Criteria relating to Details in Advertisement and Sales Promotion for Persons engaging in Securities and Derivatives Business.

1.2 Amendment in relation to minimum redemption or switching-out of investment units out of LTF or RMF from 1,000 Baht / 100 units to no minimum value / minimum holding unit for convenience of unitholders to redeem units at any time in any amount as they wish or as permitted under the conditions on exercise of tax benefits.

1.3 Amendment in relation to exemption from one-third requirement for consistency with the notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board No. ThorNor. 78/2558 re: Criteria relating to Restriction on Holding of Units in Mutual Funds and Duty of Management Companies (No. 4).

1.4 Amendment in relation to specification of reference numbers of the cancelled notifications of Office of the SEC such as notifications of Office of the SEC No. Sor. 29/2549 re: Acts that May Create Conflict of Interest on Fund Management and Protective Rules, and notifications that may be amended/cancelled in the future while the substance/material content remains unchanged.

1.5 Amendment in relation to preparation of financial statements of the mutual funds which specifies that the Management Company shall prepare the financial statements of the mutual funds in accordance with the Guideline on Accounting for Investment Business of Association of Investment Management Companies with approval from Office of the SEC for consistency with the notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board No. ThorNor. 89/2558 re: Criteria for Management of Mutual Funds for General Investors, Mutual Funds for Non-retail Investors, Mutual Funds for Institutional Investors, and Private Funds. 
1.6 Amendment in relation to opening of a joint account from restriction of 4 persons per joint account to no restriction.
*** Amendment to the funds under 1., sub-clause 1.1 to sub-clause 1.6 above shall take effect on 1 October 2016. ***
2. Amendment to the Funds by mean of approval from Office of the SEC which has already been approved by Office of the SEC as follows.
2.1 Amendment to Krungsri Global Brands Equity Dividend Fund by adding sub-clause (4) under 20.6 “Other requirements” in accordance with the rules/law on money laundering of the master fund as particularly specified below. 
“In case the Management Company finds that any investors or unitholders possess qualifications prohibited by the rules or laws on money laundering of the country in which the master fund was established, the Management Company reserves the right not to refuse opening of a trading account or suspend/cease service and shall refund the investment amount according to the number of units held to the unitholders or close the trading account of such unitholders, in which case, the unitholders shall be deemed acknowledged and has consented to the Management Company.”
*** Amendment to the funds under 2., sub-clause 2.1 above shall take effect on 1 October 2016. ***
2.2 Amendment to 4 funds namely Krungsri Global Healthcare Equity Dividend Fund, Krungsri Global Healthcare Equity RMF, Krungsri Global Income Fund, and Krungsri Collective Global Income Fund by changing the closing time for accepting redemption orders and/or switching-out orders from 15.30 hrs. to 14.30 hrs. which is consistent with the change of the closing time for accepting purchase orders and redemption orders of the master fund.
*** Amendment to the funds under 2., sub-clause 2.2 above shall take effect on 31 October 2016. ***
If you have further inquiries, please contact your account manager or our Customer Relations officer at 02-657-5757 Press 2, or via E-mail at
Please be informed accordingly.
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