No dividend payment of KFSDIV for the accounting period of 1 April - 30 June 2016

10 August 2016
                  Krungsri Asset Management would like to announce no dividend payment of Krungsri Dividend Stock Fund (KFSDIV) for the accounting period of 1 April - 30 June 2016. KFSDIV has a policy to pay dividend from net income of each accounting period and/or retained earnings upon the Company’s discretion.

                   For the accounting period of 1 April – 30 June 2016, KFSDIV’s return was 0.21%. The net income per unit was less than 0.10 Baht. Besides, the Fund paid dividend in the previous accounting period at as high as 0.50 Baht per unit. Thus, the Company decided to take the net income for this period to add to the performance of the next accounting period for the dividend consideration.

                  Moreover, the Company would like to reiterate that the resignation of top executives in 2015 does not affect the Fund’s performance. The Fund has been managed by the same fund managers’ team since the Fund’s inception and the team remains committed to the investment philosophy, processes, and policies. Our aim is to provide consistently attractive return with the dividend payment for investors. Since the Fund’s inception in 2007, it already paid dividend in a total of 14.55 Baht. In 2016, the Fund made two dividend payments at 0.30 and 0.50 Baht per unit in February and May, respectively, totaling 0.80 Baht.

                  Delivering the highest return in a single year is not the main goal of KFSDIV. The Fund, in fact, focuses on investing in the solid dividend-paying stocks in order to deliver consistent return to our clients.
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