LTFs under Krungsri Asset Management ranked as LTFs with highest retroactive returns by Morningstar Thailand

16 November 2017
Krungsri Active SET50 Dividend LTF (KFLTFA50-D) takes first place as the LTF with the highest returns for the retroactive period of one year, with the rate of return of 34.01%.  Second place was awarded to Krungsri Equity LTF (KFLTFEQ), which achieved the rate of return of 29.65% for the retroactive period of one year, while benchmark rate of returns was 18.78%.  Both of these funds are also ranked in the top ten LTFs with the highest rate of return for the retroactive periods of three years and five years (information as at 31 October 2017).
Fund Name Past Performance (%) (as of 31 Oct 2017)
3  month 6 months 1 year 3 years 5 years
KFLTFA50-D 13.92 18.07 34.01 9.29 11.40
KFLTFEQ 20.19 25.29 29.65 9.04 11.66
Benchmark: SET TR
11.48 18.78 6.15 9.25
                                               Return  of more than one year will be  shown  as annualized returns.

Despite the fact that Krungsri Thai Small-Mid Cap Dividend LTF (KFLTFTSM-D) was established less than one year ago, the performance of this fund for the retroactive period of ten months (January – October 2017) actually takes the second place for the LTF with the highest returns due to its rate of returns of 28.07% compared with the benchmark of 14.94% (information as at 31 October 2017).
Fund  Name Past Performance (%) (as of 31 Oct 2017)
3 months 6 months YTD  Inception Date
KFLTFTSM-D 21.89 25.13 28.07 34.74
Benchmark: SET TR 10.29 11.48 14.94 20.01
Historical performance does not guarantee the future performance/ This performance evaluation was prepared in accordance with the standards for the evaluation of the performance of funds of the Association of Investment Management Companies (AIMC)/ Rankings conducted by Morningstar Thailand are not related to the rankings conducted by the Association of Investment Management Companies (AIMC) whatsoever.
KFLTFA50-D takes a proactive approach to investments and aims to generate returns that are higher than the benchmark.  A minimum of 65% of the NAV are invested in constituent stocks in SET50.
Risk Level 6: High Risk
KFLTFEQ: A minimum of 65% of the NAV are invested in companies of all sizes in all industries that show a growth potential that is higher than the market rate.
Risk Level 6: High Risk
KFLTFTSM-D: A minimum of 80% of the NAV are invested in equities of small and medium-sized enterprises with a high business growth potential.
Risk Level 6: High Risk
For more information or to request for a prospectus and tax manual, please contact Krungsri Asset Management at Tel. No. 02-657-5757, or by contacting any Bank of Ayudhya branch.
For more details on LTF rankings by Morningstar Thailand at or at
Make sure you understand the features of the product, conditions, returns, associated risks, and tax privileges before making an investment decision. / LTF is a Long Term Equity Fund.

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