Amendments to the Fund Management Project of Sala @ Sathorn Property Fund

27 August 2024
Krungsri Asset Management Company Limited (“the Management Company”) would like to notify unitholders of the amendments to the fund management project of Sala @ Sathorn Property Fund (SSPF) (“the Fund”) which has been approved by the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission.  The detail of which is as follows:

1. The amendments to the Fund’s details to comply with the Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board No. Tor Nor. 36/2562 Re: Management of Property Fund, Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board No. Tor Jor. 20/2561 Re: Rules, Conditions and Procedures for Reporting Disclosure of Mutual Fund and Real Estate Investment Trust or Infrastructure Trust, and Notification of the Office of the SEC No. Sor Thor. 14/2558 Re:  Rule in Detail on the Protection and Management of Conflicts of Interest, as well as other relevant notifications, are summarized as follows:
1.1 The definitions are revised to ensure consistency with the notifications.
1.2 The rules on investment concerning generating benefits from the real estate in which the Fund invests and investing in securities or other assets or seeking interests by other means are revised.
1.3 The dividend policy regarding the criteria for dividend payment is revised.  The dividend payout ratio will be no less than 90% of the adjusted net profit for each accounting year.
1.4 The rules and restrictions on holding of investment units are revised.  Any person or group of persons must hold not exceeding 50% of the total number of outstanding investment units of each fund.
1.5 The rule on accepting in-kind debt repayment is revised.  Accepting debt repayment in other assets that are not collaterals requires a resolution passed by affirmative votes of no less than three-fourths of the total number of votes of the unitholders who attend the meeting or submit the vote in advance of the meeting and are entitled to vote.
1.6 The rules on increasing and decreasing the registered capital of the Fund are revised.  Each capital increase/decrease must obtain unitholders’ resolution and the procedures after obtaining unitholders’ resolution are specified.
1.7 The methods of preparation and disclosure of report displaying total asset value, net asset value (NAV) and NAV per unit are revised.
1.8 The reporting on work in progress, including the disclosure of such progress report, is improved.
1.9 The rules on property valuation and review of property valuation including the qualifications of the property valuer and the valuation frequency are revised.
1.10 The rules on making amendments to the mutual fund management project or the management procedures and notification of the amendments made to the fund project are revised.
1.11 The rules on unitholders’ meeting including the procedures for convening a meeting are revised.

2. The methods of paying dividends to unitholders are revised to ensure consistency with the current practice of the Management Company.

3. Details of the Fund’s auditors and the property management team are updated.

The above-mentioned amendments are made so as to comply with the Notifications and update the information without any change to the essence of the Fund and will take effect on 22 August 2024 onwards.

Should you require any further information, please contact your account manager or our Client Service at 02-657-5757 press 7 for English and press 2 or via email at

Please be informed accordingly.
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