Change of the redemption payment period of 4 Funds under Management

8 July 2024
Krungsri Asset Management Co., Ltd. would like to inform you the change of the redemption payment period of 4 funds under management as follows:
  1. Krungsri US Equity Index Hedged FX Fund (KFUSINDX) for both Accumulation share class (KFUSINDX-A) and Institutional Investor share class (KFUSINDX-I)
  2. Krungsri NDQ Index Fund (KFNDQ) for both Accumulation share class KFNDQ-A) and Institutional Investor share class (KFNDQ-I)
  3. Krungsri World Equity Index Fund (KFWINDX) for both Accumulation share class (KFWINDX-A) and Institutional Investor share class (KFWINDX-I)
  4. Krungsri Oil Fund (KF-OIL)
The details are as follows:
Description Old New
The redemption payment period
In general practice, the payment date will be on 3 working days after the execution day excluding relevant country holidays (T+3) In general practice, the payment date will be on 2 working days after the execution day excluding relevant country holidays (T+2)

The above change will be effective from 18 July 2024 onwards. Unitholders who submit redemption orders and/or switch-out orders in advance, with such orders taking effect from 18 July 2024 onwards, will receive the redemption payment on T+2.
Please be informed accordingly.
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Investing in Krungsri Asset Funds

We have offered a variety of funds for investors with different risk profiles.