Termination of Krungsri ASEAN New Markets Fund

3 May 2018
Krungsri Asset Management Company Limited (the “Company”), as the management company of Krungsri ASEAN New Markets Fund (KF-ASEAN) (the “Fund”) until present, would like to inform you that the Company is intending to terminate the Fund. The termination is due to the current size of the fund being smaller than 15 million Baht which prevents the efficiency in management of the Fund.  The Company also views that the investment in the master fund is no longer suitable, considering the best interest of the Fund and the unitholders.
In this regard, we made an automatic redemption of the remaining units for all unitholders on 2 May 2018 and the proceeds thereof will be transferred to your bank account or be made in a cheque to be sent to you on 8 May 2018 in case no bank account detail provided.
Following the above, we will liquidate and terminate the Fund.
We would like to express our sincere appreciation for your trust in our mutual funds and truly hope that your trust in us will continue. Should you have any queries or require any further information, please contact your account manager or our Client Service at 02-657-5757 press 2 or via email at krungsriasset.clientservice@krungsri.com.
Please be informed accordingly.
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